Sure it was a setback some financially, but at least we could handle it on our own quickly (with the help of good friends too). Got the windows taken into a repair shop immediately. Then Steven and our family friend Mickey (who is an expert carpenter) began needed repairs on the window frames (some of which has been needed for years) so that when the new glass was ready, everything would be ship-shape.
I was very pleased with Steven's work on this. He didn't want to do half-measures, but totally got rid of any dry-rotted wood or problem areas and got it replaced right, then primed and painted so these particular areas hopefully won't have to be addressed again for a long time.

For the bathroom window (above), that included complete rebuilding the lower sill, and also having to take off some wood siding under the window and do repairs under the sill area, before the whole thing could be rebuilt. The header at the top also needed new wood; and then he primed and painted all of the windows frame and pieces, so they are sealed tight.
On my bedroom window (below), Mickey helped show Steven how to make a completely new "header" at the top -- matching the old decorative header that was there (which is common on this age of house). The old one was in pretty bad shape, so they got trim molding and used the mitre saw to cut everything at just the proper angles to replicate the antique style it has always had. It looks extremely good.

The windows were then ready for the repaired storm windows that went over them externally. We were back in business and good to go by the end of June, while our neighbors still deal with insurance. But then again, we have a higher need for working windows, since they are our primary means of cooling and ventilation during these summer months.
Now, we just need to get around to painting the rest of the house. But this is a good example of why that project is taking so long -- we don't just need to paint; but we need to also repair, refurbish, restore before we ever get the paintbrush in hand. It takes time and patience.
We have been thankful for this week's break from the unseasonably hot weather, and for the small amounts of rain we have received. Over 30 days of over 100 degrees was beginning to weaken our pioneer spirit a bit. :) Nice to be back to normal.
* * *
(oh! and I just got a brand new front screen door too - finally! The dogs tore up the old one a couple years ago - we've needed a new one since, that could handle the dogs, but have enough screen area to allow good air flow. Finally found what we needed, and brought it home, sanded it, primed, painted and hung. That east breeze is heavenly!)

1 comment:
So glad to hear from you, I miss blogging but right now God has other plans for me and my time is precious so blogging is taking a back burner for a season, or two*wink*
You are right we both are better off for having lived the frugal lives we have, I truly feel for those who are and will be suffering in this economy.
We've cut back our chickens to 12 hens and as soon as we butcher our turkey poults from this Spring we'll be down to just two hens and our tom for breeding stock. The goats are working out well for us and much easier to handle than the cows so we as a family decided we'll sell the heifer and butcher the steer next Spring( the steer just isn't big enough yet to justify butchering him this Fall.) Feed costs are what is really pinching our budget and ever rising utilities, our power has gone up 35% in one jump of their rates, so we've invested in lantern oil and will use more candles and lanterns in the winter hours. Right now it's the pump that is running up our Kwht usuage, but to keep everything green and growing it's needed. I understand ( somewhat) how the homesteaders must have felt to have such losses, when their lives depended on a crop. We've fought off coons, deer, bear and even skunks this year, from damaging our crops, add to this the hail, late and cold wet spring and well it's been a very challenging year, as I know you can realte to only in reverse. PTL we have a well stocked larder and several off our off year crops were plentiful so we were able to stock up on them( apples, plums, squash, beans, etc....)
My email is still the same but when our computer died I lost 85%( I hadn't updated my back up discs in a year*sigh), so lost your email addy, would you please shoot me an email if you are still interested in chatting now and again.
Take care and you and yours are in our prayers as well,
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