Well, the photos kind of tell the whole story. These hail stones were collected by Steven awhile after they had started melting. He said some were easily as big as baseballs when they came down. Hail & high wind.

This was actually a
plexiglass sheet on our back North porch door

My bedroom window, inside and out. Destroyed all layers of glass - 2 levels of storm window and casement window. Glass all over my room and bed. Embedded hail and glass in opposite wall, in both my room and the bathroom. Pretty much the entire north side of our house was hit very hard. The hail came from the north and east.

Steven's greenhouse was not spared. I don't think there is a single panel without some damage. Some of the hail stones went through the roof with such velocity that they smashed stuff down inside the greenhouse.

And then, there's the garden:


Holes everywhere in the soft dirt from where the hail stones hit

Tomato plants (surprisingly, many of these have recovered)

We had lots of tree limbs down - this was in the driveway

And across the front lawn

It was probably almost an hour after the storm that Steven and I went out to check the rain gauge, to find it broken on the ground. And the offending hail stone still next to it.

One of many, many places hit on our roof.

This is not our corn. This is my neighbor's field (one of the benefits to us only owning pasture ground). All the corn fields in the area were not a pretty site. The fields where wheat wasn't yet cut looked not too happy either.
Oh Tracy, that's terrible! My heart goes out to you and your neighbors. Hoping the weather settles for you now. And glad that you are safe.
I feel for you. We've never had hail like that around here, but this spring we've had a couple of hailstorms. The weather has been very nasty; it seems we have a nice day, then in the evening the stormy weather with wind, rain and cooler temperature begins and carries into the next day. We have standing water in our garden, and since the ground is so saturated it will be a while before it seeps into the ground. I should know better than to plant in that area. Hope you can salvage some of your garden and the repairs aren't too costly and difficult to do.
Thank you for this post. We've never had any damage from hail storms. Honestly, I've never even seen hail that large. Something in your description of your bedroom window damage gave me an idea. What about shutters for all the windows? We are at the beginning phase of building and I believe we will add them "just in case."
I'm sorry you had so much damage but I am thankful that you are safe!
In many ways, shutters sound like a good idea (especially since we've lost all these windows before - to another hail storm back in '92). However, I can see a couple possible problems. 1) As with most Kansas storms, there wasn't enough 'warning' that large hail was coming to be able to go outside and close the shutters on 8 separate windows on that side of the house. We use our windows for ventilation during the summer, so they remain open as long as possible when a storm is coming - otherwise we'd bake inside with the house closed up. 2) I'm sure the shutters would have been damaged greatly by hail such as this -- so I don't know how the cost of repairing/replacing shutters would compare to what it cost us to replace windows. It would, however, probably prevent the "glass all over the bedroom" issue, as well as hopefully keep any follow-up rain out.
I know I have heard some houses have electric roll-down shutters -- you push one button inside the house and all the shutters roll down tight on their own. I imagine they are quite expensive - but they do sound like a good option.
eeeeeowwwww I know this is old, but gosh huge hail-balls! So sorry for all the damage it caused. >.<
The pictures suggest that it wasn’t just a simple hail storm. Look at the roof; you don’t have any other option but to replace it with a new one. Anyhow, it’s sad to see how the corn field was greatly affected. I hope that you and the rest of the people there were able to cope up after the disaster immediately.
Chantay Smithingell
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